Q-Switch ND YAG Laser 1064nm Laser can penetrate into deep layer of the skin, so it is easily adsorbed by blue, black abd green color pigment; therefor, it is very suitable to treat the pigment disease in the dermal layer, for example, getting rid of tattoos, eyebrow tattoos, Ota’s nevus and pigmentation disease.
Q-Switch ND YAG Laser 532nm Laser can penetrate into light layer of the skin;therefore, it is very easily absorbed by the brown, red and deep-brown color pigmentation. For example, eliminating freckles, pigment spots and other light color tattoos.

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Q-Switch Nd:YAG Laser is a type of Laser used in medical and aesthetic procedures. It works by producing short pulses of high-intensity light that are absorbed by the targeted tissue, which can be anything from pigmented lesions to tattoo inks.

Q switch laser machines are usually used for tattoo removal and the treatment of some pigment spots, including improving pigmentation. Q switch laser treatment is usually used for sun spots and freckles. Nd yag laser machine is in high demand in beauty salons, and nd: yag laser has a very good effect on tattoo removal projects.

Q Switch Laser Tattoo Removal Machine
Portable Q Switched ND:Yag Laser
Vertical Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser Tattoo Removal Machine
laser yag q switched


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